Cannon, Gunpowder Empires and the Steam Engine

Cannons began to change the face of the battlefield seriously around the Hundred Years' War. As they have improved they started to take on fortifications and also the fortifications used them for defensive purposes. The strongest walls of Europe in Constantinople were battered for 55 days by the 68 Hungarian-made cannons until their final fall.

As the protection of the walls served to the feudal lords were crumbling against the explosive power of the cannon a new era was under way. The formation of powerful absolute monarchs throughout the world who can wield cannons on the battlefield bringing the feudal lords to their knees. It was the dawn of the age of "Gunpowder Empires" that you see when you look at the remnants of the Walls of Constantinople.

The cannon further was the source of one inspiration that totally shook the world from its foundations. The tube that an expansion can happen that shoots out a cannon ball was the basis of the mechanism of a piston that would change heat into kinetic energy. In other words the steam engine...


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