Nasi Goreng, invention of scarcity (1000 AD- 1500AD)

Many of the good dishes around the world are invented during times of scarcity. Maybe by resourceful mothers and grandmothers whose names are forgotten. One such dish is Nasi Goreng which is done by frying whatever leftover from the night. That means rice as a staple crop of Asia and generous amounts of soy sauce to give a fulfilling feeling, adding scraps of meat to further add some protein and bits of vegetable to refresh it.

All those frying hardens the outer layer of a day old cooked softening rice to give it a "al dente" texture. Thus when you shovel the mixture in your mouth you can feel the single pieces wandering about. Also it kills the microbes of the outer layer which had found some 12 hours to grow in the tropical wet air.

This whole rice culture is brought about by Chinese immigrants when the exchange between the mainland and archipelago flourished.


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